Supporting Children Through Family Breakdown

Helping promote the prevention of mental illness amongst children and young adults exposed to physical, psychological or emotional distress as a result of parental breakdown, separation or family violence.


Children and Teenagers whose parents separate are 300% more likely to experience mental health issues.

(Laumann-Billings & Emery, Journal of Family Psychology, 2000)

We are on a mission to change that.

Family breakdowns are known to cause distress to all involved which subsequently, can lead children to experience feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Experiencing these feelings early in life can lead to an increased risk of mental illness. To Be Loved Network’s mission is to promote the prevention of mental illness amongst children and young adults exposed to the legal system as a result of family breakdowns.

Educating the Australian ecosystem of family members, judges and other legal professionals on the pressure children face in the midst of family turmoil, To Be Loved strives to generate greater consideration for children in the legal system.

Giving Children A Voice

Preventing Mental Illness


Supporting Parents with Resources

We aim to provide public benevolent relief to children and young adults experiencing extreme physical, psychological or emotional distress as a result of family violence, family breakdown, separation and/or divorce.

Your donation will go towards supporting our projects and the development of educational resources to give children a voice.

Importantly, to underscore the potential for effective change by preventing and relieving the anxiety and emotional suffering of children that are experiencing family breakdown and the fall-out from court proceedings.

Donate Now

Resources for parents navigating a divorce and their relationships with their children can be hard to find. Donating to To Be Loved enables us to continue to support families through the troubling nature of divorce.


To Be Loved Resources

  • Support For Parents

    Do you need help navigating supporting your children? Find ways you can help your child here.

  • Kids and Their Feelings

    It's natural for kids to have many emotions about a divorce, assure your kids that their feelings are important, valid, and normal.

  • Questions and Answers

    It’s likely that after a divorce kids may be confused and need help understanding the situation.

  • Get support

    The relationship quality between co-parents can have a strong influence on a child’s mental and emotional well-being.

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